These are my some fun Pokemon teams I've come up with and played with on games sometimes. They arent necessarily for playthroughs so I didn't want to put them on the other page, but I think they're neat and I'll probably make Trainer OCs for these teams.

Game: Brilliant Diamond [11/23/21]
Trainer Name: ???
Hometown: Floaroma
Itty Bitty Guys

"LittleGuy" the Jirachi

"SmallGuy" the Mew

"TinyGuy" the Manaphy

Game: Sword
Trainer Name: Crown
Hometown: Circhester
Diamond Dust

"Taro" the Shiny Alolan Vulpix

"Blanca" the Alolan Vulpix

Game: Pokemon GO
Trainer Name: Lucky
Hometown: Sandgem
Lucky Lux

"Deluxe" the Shiny Luxray

"Ace" the Shiny Shinx

"Bet" the Shiny Shinx

"Blackjack" the Shiny Shinx

"Clover" the Shiny Shinx

"Club" the Shiny Shinx

"Deck" the Shiny Shinx

"Deuce" the Shiny Shinx

"Diamond" the Shiny Shinx

"Dice" the Shiny Shinx

"Domino" the Shiny Shinx

"Flush" the Shiny Shinx

"Fortune" the Shiny Shinx

"Heart" the Shiny Shinx

"Jack" the Shiny Shinx

"Karma" the Shiny Shinx

"King" the Shiny Shinx

"Lotto" the Shiny Shinx

"Poker" the Shiny Shinx

"Queen" the Shiny Shinx

"Rook" the Shiny Shinx

"Royale" the Shiny Shinx

"Shuffle" the Shiny Shinx

"Snake" the Shiny Shinx

"Snap" the Shiny Shinx

"Spade" the Shiny Shinx

"Suit" the Shiny Shinx

"Tossup" the Shiny Shinx

"Wish" the Shiny Shinx