Here's a few stories that I've made/am making myself or with friends. The main story I'm currently working on is Starling, a story about some space pirates during a capitalist-imperialist era in space exploration. Despite the obvious deep topics, it's a mostly self-indulgent story that my crush and I are creating for fun (and coping). The content on this website for these stories is in a wiki format, so it's not really the intended way of enjoying the stories, I don't really think we're gonna make any sort of linear storytelling media for them though, we just don't have the time/motivation.
Click on the story title to go to the main page for that story. (Some don't have one yet)
Main Projects

Starling: A Space Voyage
There is no void that calls louder than the Universe.
Aldome, a small moonbase mining settlement from the early galactic conquest era, is home to one who can hear the call for adventure. Atlas, a talented mechanic bored of the monotony of this isolated settlement, takes the rare occurence of a visiting floating city to finally leave; looking to create his own destiny in the ever-growing universe.

FourAll (∀) Multiverse
Four universes: All very different. All very similar.
Until recently, they were completely isolated from each other; the destinies of those within to remain separate and static. But as the barriers between these universes deteriorates, so too does everything these souls knew to be unchangeable.
Other Projects

AND (A) Universe
A world filled with anything and everything...
An unprecendented event created a universe where magic and science has no limit. When nothing is impossible, what's to stop chaos from taking over? What can be done to protect a world as precious as this? (Sequel-ish to ∀)

Capy In The City
Trust in the power of friendship, magic, and swords!
The adventures of Willow Bogbean, better known as Capy, the Capybara warrior-mage. This is a series of video games of varying genres that I'm using as school projects, they follow Capy's journey as she develops her abilities and her friendships in and around the biggest city in the AND Universe. (Semi-spin-off to AND Universe)

Labcoat Crew
Who doesn't love science and madness?
The wacky adventures of Hex Morrigan (dragon, scientist), Nassa (gecko, nuissance), and Beaker (dinosaur, magician). (Semi-spin-off to AND Universe)
Creature Cowboys
A family born of the night.
Calamity and Clockwise, a pair of young cowboys, hold a secret that cannot be found out. They both have a beast's heart within them, transforming into wolves every full moon. Together they have managed to avoid suspicion, finally being able to mostly settle in a small ranching town. However, a recent murder in the town has left them anxious; the victim was found drained of blood, which they both know to be the sign of a vampire. What's more, a few nights later, they discover a boy in the fields, drinking the blood of a cow.